due diligence - technical reports
DUE DILIGENCE - technical reports
Technical due diligence reports are a detailed overview of existing facility / business. They determine the condition of the production building / plant or process, identify defects and provide a summary of possible investment and maintenance expenses required at any given time or over the entire lifetime.
Due diligence technical reports can be as comprehensive or limited as the client requires.
Determining the client’s needs and the scope of services
Due diligence technical reports can be as comprehensive or limited as the client requires. They may include any or all of the following activities:
• Advice on what business elements should be audited
• Documentation review including technical and legal documents
• Detailed inventory of the facility and technical equipment
• Obtaining and compiling relevant building documents and permits
• Verification of the structure of buildings, materials, services, transport and compliance with regulations
• Assessment of soil pollution, assessment of the environment and hazardous materials
• Code compliance / regulatory reviews
• Reviews of necessary security measures
• Priority planning of investment and maintenance expenses
• Verification regarding the identification of entities and rental plans